Teacher mobility

The teachers of the ESADTPM can benefit from the international mobility policy thanks to the ERASMUS programme and the partnerships developed by the school outside ERASMUS.

Outgoing mobility

Teachers may give courses in a foreign establishment. The duration of the mobility can vary from 2 days (teaching a minimum of 8hrs) to 2 months. The object being to teach courses that are an integral part of the official curricula of the partner establishment.

Teacher mobility (4 – 5 teachers per year) enables, through the participation of a teacher from the ESADTPM during conferences and workshops, to sustain durable relations with establishments all around the world. 

Incoming mobility

The ESADTPM offers foreign teachers the opportunity to participate in conferences and workshops in order to enable students to develop their personal and cultural awareness, as well as providing teachers of the school concerned with the opportunity to be mobile in foreign schools. This system of a dual mobility is a factor of reciprocal recognition of each establishment's own academic curricula and enables the partner establishments to improve the global system of student mobility.