DNAT space design / object design options (speciality Signature design)

3rd year DESIGN
Coordinator : Olivier Millagou

The Diplôme National d’Art et Technique is the high-level education diploma, recognised as level BAC+3, which validates the 3 years of study of the 1st cycle : a common course year (1st year) followed by two years specialisation either in space design or in object design (speciality Signature design).

The student chooses which option to study during semester 3 following the collegial proposition made by the teachning staff and validation by the director of the establishment.

DNAT space design option

The space design option develops skills and competences in the field of urban space design and demands the ability to critically analyse and satisfy orders placed by both public and private clients.

DNAT object design option (speciality Signature design)

The object design option, specialising in Signature design, develops the skills and competences required to produce objects satisfying a wide range of needs, from conception to the realisation of prototypes.

 During these 2 years of specialisation, the students must:

  • find a placement for which the Credit Units will be attributed in semester 5.
  • progressively set up and assert their personal work which is clearly different from industrial design and design services work.