1st year

Semesters 1 and 2
Coordinator: Valérie Michel-Fauré

The 1st year, a year of initiation common to both Art and Design students, enables the student to acquire fundamental theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in the fields of art and design.

Enrolment in this 1st year requires students to have the Baccalaureate and to then pass the entrance exam.

1st  year: objectives

The 1st year aims to:

  • initiate the ability to investigate a field of theory inherent to the culture of and work in art ;
  • introduce the opportunities of a multi-media approach to the elaboration of art work ;
  • set up an initiation to the complementary relationship between theory and practice as the fundamental principle to the act of artistic creation.

During this year, the student follow all the courses and must show full involvement  and implication in the initiation to the field of art, its context,  its work and to the development of an increasing awareness and ability to critically analysis art. 

1st  year: course programme

The courses in the 1st year are composed of:

  • theory classes (art history, art theory, a foreign language, constitution of research, written work analysing images, reading critical lectures and conceptual documents) ;
  • multi-disciplinarian practical courses (workshops, modules).

This year of orientation and rupture from secondary school academic study cannot be retaken. It enables the student to be confronted with working in a group as well as an initiation into the fundamentals of artistic practices.

At the end of the 1st year, the student chooses between two orientations, a cursus in ART (DNAP) or a cursus in DESIGN (DNAT).